About our uniforms

“The Boy Scouts of America has always been a uniformed body. Its uniforms help to create a sense of belonging. They symbolize character development, citizenship training, and personal fitness. Wearing a uniform gives youth and adult members a sense of identification and commitment [1].”
Pack 603 requires the following items as part of their Tiger, Wolf, and Bear uniform (other items optional)
Shirt: Official long or short sleeve shirt, navy blue. The second page of the uniform inspection sheets for Tiger, Wolf and Bears covers basic patch and pin placement. Wear with your child’s own pants or shorts.
Hat: Tiger Cub cap, Cub Scout Wolf cap, or Cub Scout Bear cap, according to den.
Neckerchief and Slide: Triangular. Orange with blue border for Tiger Cubs. Gold with blue border for Cub Scouts working in Wolf book. Light blue with dark blue border for Cub Scouts working in Bear book. Each is secured by a slide for that rank.
Webelos are to wear the Tan shirts and Green Pants/Shorts/Skorts rather than the navy blue uniforms and the Webelos’ Plaid hat. These do not need to be official pants but should match the official color. Also, we recommend the convertible pants that convert to shorts for versatility and flexibility.
We also suggest sewing Webelos shirts with Hook and Loop patches (Velcro) as the Scout BSA program has the Scouts changing patches periodically. Try these – https://www.thegoosescache.com/index.php/scoutshirthookandloop/