Trail Trekker Hikes
The Trail Trekker Program is a series of hikes at Bay Area parks with differing climates, geography, plants, and animals. The hikes have a varying degree of difficulty (length, steepness, etc.). Each has a description of the hike and directions to the location in the program materials. The first hike completed earns the large “center” trail trekkers patch and the specific small patch for that hike. Subsequent hikes earn only the specific small patch for that hike. See samples below.
- Coyote Hills – Fremont (map)
- Flag Hill – Sunol Park (map)
- Hoot Owl – Night Hike at Sycamore Grove Park in Livermore
- Little Yosemite – Sunol Park (map)
- Redwood Creek – Oakland Hills (map)
- Rodeo Lagoon – Golden Gate National Recreation Area, Marin (map)
- Sycamore Grove – Livermore (map)
- Wildcat Peak – Tilden Park (map)

East Bay Regional Parks District
2950 Peralta Oaks Court
P.O. Box 5381
Oakland, CA 94605
(510) 562-PARK
Livermore Area Receration and Park District
71 Trevarno Road
Livermore, California 94550-2277
(925) 373-5700
National Parks Service/Golden Gate National Recreation Area/Marin Headlands Visitor’s Center
Fort Mason, Bldg 201
San Francisco, CA 94123
(415) 556-0560