On my honor, I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times; To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight.
Summertime Activity Pins were earned by seven boys who attended all 3 Pack summer events (picnic, Bike Ride and hike). Congratulations to: Andrew – Den 2 Brian – Den 2 Steven – Shark Patrol Hayden – Den 7 Trenton – Den 7 Nicholas – Den 10 Eric B. – Den 10
Trail Trekker Hike – Redwood Creek Hike at Redwood Regional Park in the Oakland Hills. August Pack Summertime Activity #315 Scouts and their families participated in this fun hike. The Webelos worked on their Forester pin, the Bears learned about erosion. All the boys enjoyed an outdoor activity with their family.
Pack Bike Ride Along the Hayward Shoreline July Pack Summertime Activity #2 A total of 22 scouts and family members departed from the end of West Winton Ave., rode along the trail to the Shoreline Interpretative Center. We enjoyed viewing the displays at the Center then proceeded to the deck for lunch. We rode back to the start point.
Annual Pack Picnic to Welcome Summer! June Pack Summertime Activity #1 This fun-filled event was held on Sunday, June 11 at San Lorenzo Park (aka “The Duck Pond”) The weather was perfect and the over 75 Pack 603 members, friends and family enjoyed a day of barbecue and games! Thank you to the Pack Committee Chair for coordinating the event and to set up crew for their efforts. A BIG thank you to the Den Leaders for providing the fun games. The highlight being the Adults defeating the kids in the Tug-o-War and, of course, the water balloon fight(s)!
Oakland A’s Boy Scout Day on Sunday, June 4 A’s vs San Francisco Giants at Network Associates Coliseum.Pack 603 was well represented in the pre-game parade, with the following boys and their family/friends walking around the field: Benjamin, Den 1 Louis, Den 1 Zachary, Den 1 Michael, Den 2 Nolan, Den 2 Steven, Shark Patrol Billy, Den 10 Nicholas P., Den 10 Louie, Asst Den Leader – Den 1 Janet, Den Leader – Shark Patrol/Pack Committee Chairman
SCOUT-O-RAMA 2000 at Kennedy Park in Hayward was GREAT fun! Pack 603 was awarded the first place Cub Scout Pack trophy for our bow and arrow making booth. It was extremely popular with the boys attending Scout o Rama. A BIG thanks to Den 1 Leaders Jerry and Louie for all their work coordinating the event and the preparation work. Thank you Gary, Den 10 Leader for the design inspiration. Their efforts are truly appreciated by the boys and the entire Pack!! All the dens and their families assisted in the booth during the day. Thank you.
Seventeen boys from Pack 603 and their families assisted with and attended a Memorial Day Veterans’ Ceremonial Tribute at Chapel of the Chimes Cemetery in Hayward. We teamed with Troop 168 of Hayward to place flags on the graves of veterans. We also set up chairs for visitors. Following a very moving ceremony, the boys and leaders took down the chairs and collected the flags. We thank the American Legion for this community service opportunity and the lunch they provided.
TIGERS 1 & 2 – completed the Tiger Cubs program and received their Tiger patch. Each boy was presented with their yellow Wolf-level kerchief. The Tiger dens have combined to form our newest Den, Den 2.
DEN 1 – boys were awarded their Wolf rank and presented with their blue Bear-level kerchief.
DEN 10 – the scouts completed their Bear requirements and earned the Bear rank patch. Each boy was presented with their plaid Webelos scarf.
DEN 7 – Six boys received their Webelos rank patch.
SHARK PATROL – Five boys earned and were presented with their Webelos compass patch.
ADULT LEADER RECOGNITION – A HUGE Thank You to the Pack’s departing Committee Chairman, Cubmaster and Advancement Chair! Your contributions are sincerely appreciated by the members of the Pack!
WELCOME NEW LEADERS – For the 2000 – 2001 year, we welcome a new Pack Committee Chair, Cubmaster and Webelos Den Leader and Assistant Webelos Den Leader to Den 7 and Co-Webelos Den Leader for Den 10. We are looking forward to continuing success for Pack 603!!
Spaghetti Feed On Friday night, May 5th, the Pack held its second annual spaghetti feed. It was great seeing the Pack families and our friends and neighbors getting together and enjoying a fantastic meal. Thanks to Den 1 for coordinating the event and to our chef for the most excellent meal. We are already looking forward to next year’s dinner.
March Pack Meeting Ten second-year Webelos crossed over to Boy Scouts. Four boys from the Dragon Patrol, two boys from Den 9 and one boy from the Python Patrol joined Troop 612 in San Lorenzo. Three boys from the Python Patrol joined Troop 801 in Hayward. We bid them and their leaders a fond farewell and wish them the very best of luck in the Troops they chose.
Tomato Plant Drop-off for the Village Realtors. Each den delivered plants and flyers to their assigned area with Den 10 coordinating the distribution. Proceeds from this event allow the Pack to purchase a new electronic finish line for the Pinewood Derby track.
Pack Pinewood Derby Races At San Lorenzo Community Church. One track was set up inside the Social Hall for competitive elimination-style races by Division. A second track was available outside for fun racing against friends and family members. A BIG Thank You to the Python Patrol and Dragon Patrol for their work in making this a fun and exciting event.
Scout Sunday We support and thank our chartering organization, San Lorenzo Community Church! Several boys participated in the mass by acting as ushers, candle lighters and readers. Following the mass, Pack 603 hosted a reception with coffee, punch, and cookies. It was a very pleasant Sunday morning for the boys and the congregation.
Scout Day at the Golden State Warriors. Pack 603 had 14 boys and their friends and family members, a total of 44, attend the game. A mini basketball was given away at the game. The Warriors also had a special patch commemorating Boy Scout Day at the Warriors for each attendee. The boys enjoyed the Warriors blimp that circled the arena before the game and at half time, the performance by Warriors’ mascot Thunder and of course the game itself!
BLUE AND GOLD DINNER! was held at Arroyo High School Multi-purpose room. The Arrow of Light was presented to the boys in the Dragon Patrol, the Python Patrol and Den 9.CONGRATULATIONS!!Thanks to all the families that attended and to Den 8 for coordinating the event for the second year in a row.
February Pack Meeting Four boys earned the Bobcat badge, the first step along the trail of Cub Scouting.All seven boys in Den 5 were awarded their Webelos badge in a candle ceremony. Den 5 became the Shark Patrol! Congratulations!
January Pack Meeting Eight boys earned the Bobcat badge, the first step along the trail of Cub Scouting.One boy was awarded his Webelos Badge.Congratulations to all!
Pancake Breakfast The annual Pancake Breakfast and raffle were a great success! Thank you to Den 10 for arranging the event and securing the donations of food items and raffle prizes. Please patronize these companies that support our efforts!! Thank you to our sponsoring organization, San Lorenzo Community Church, for their ongoing support. The biggest thanks goes to all the boys and families that worked at the Pancake Breakfast: setting up, preparing food, serving guests, and cleaning up! The event wouldn’t be successful without everyone’s participation.
Christmas Tree Pick-up Each Den picked up trees from their designated areas and delivered them to the hard working crew manning the chain saws. Lunch was a great time to socialize and catch up with everyone following the holidays. Thanks to Den 7 for coordinating this event!
Popcorn Sales Sales were very successful for our first year of participation. Profits will be used for upcoming activities at both the Pack and Den level. Thanks to the Committee Chair and all the participants for making Pack 603 the highest selling Pack in the District.
Halloween Pack Meeting and Costume Party Each Den provided a fun game for the Scouts and sibilings. There were some scary, funny and imaginative costumes that evening. Then the special treat, a bag of candy, to take home. Thanks to all the Den Leaders for creating and providing the games.
Scouting for Food The Tres Ranchos District (of which Pack 603 is a part) collected nearly 45,000 canned items in 1999. The Pack also contributed additional non-canned items to the San Lorenzo Community Church’s food drive. Great job!! Thanks to the Cubs and parents who collected the food and the Dragon Patrol for coordinating the event!!
Coastal Clean-up along the Hayward Shoreline Pack 603 had several Dens participate. Thanks to Den 1, the Python Patrol, Den 5, the Dragon Patrol, Den 7 and Den 10 for their participation. Special thanks to Den 5 for coordinating our involvement and for getting the word out.