Once again Pack 603 ends the summer break at Cull Canyon Regional Recreation Area where everyone gets to enjoy the 1.5 acre swim lagoon. This annual tradition is a big hit with the kids and parents alike.
The photo below shows why we arrive early. We get the best spot and lots of room to swim and splash before the crowds arrive. Earlier in the summer this place is packed with families enjoying the water but by late August, a lot of schools have already started and for most families, the summer fun is over.
But for Pack 603, the fun never ends. We are about to start our new scout year and the kids are about to learn and explore in fun and exciting ways. Many hands-on activities and field trips and camping, and so much more are just around the corner.
Tags: swimming
As part of their summer activities, Pack 603 spent the day at Cull Canyon Regional Recreation Area enjoying the 1.5 acre swim lagoon. This is becoming an annual tradition and the kids are having just as much fun this year as last time.
The pack once again payed for all boys and everyone brought their own lunches and snacks to share. Several new families joined us this year and gave the kids a chance to play together.
This is what it looks like before the crowds arrive and why we show up early.
Tags: swimming

As part of their summer activities, Pack 603 spent the day at Cull Canyon Regional Recreation Area enjoying the 1.5 acre swim lagoon. The pack payed for all boys and bought tons of pizza and water for everyone. Several families showed up which was great for the kids to have fun and bond while the parents could chat or play too. All thanks to the generous support of those who contribute to our various fundraisers and events. Thank you.
Tags: swimming