Camping at Brannan State Park 2015
This weekend the Pack went on a family campout where scouts and adults alike got a chance to experience the great outdoors. From games to hiking, to swimming, Brannan Island had it all. As usual, everyone helped out and had a blast.
We played in this part of Threemile Slough which connects the San Joaquin River and the Sacramento River.
I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream. An ice cream truck rolled through the campgrounds twice. On the second visit, one of the dads bought all the kids Ice cream (which only accepted cash) The kids were very thankful.
While the kids had ice cream, we started cooking peach cobbler in our dutch ovens.
Capture the flag being played in the middle of the campground loop. It’s kind of like a town center for campers.
Our campfire pit was more of a barrel which is good for preventing wildfires, not so good for roasting marshmallows.
36 people went camping and these three kids stayed up the latest playing Old Maid. We finally finished at 11 pm and went to bed. guess who were the first ones up the next morning…
Mornings are hardest for the little campers. So much waiting
Waiting for breakfast (on the left) the kids played cards (on the right) I don’t know what the Boy Scouts were playing but the Cub Scouts (and their sisters) were playing Go Fish.
That morning sun made it hard to play Go Fish
This is the game the Boy Scouts kept playing. It was very popular and a little loud. I think it consisted of laying down cards then arguing about who grabbed the stack first.
Dutch Oven Breakfast. Eggs, potatoes, bacon, cheese (leftover hamburgers and hot dogs, too I think). Scrambled eggs and bacon strips for those not into the Dutch Oven dish.
The kids don’t want to go but the parents are soooo ready to get back home.